hero - Waters Counseling - Therapy for Individuals, Adolescents, Families, and Couples In-Person in Boca Raton and Online throughout Florida


anxiety img 1 - Waters Counseling - Therapy for Individuals, Adolescents, Families, and Couples In-Person in Boca Raton and Online throughout FloridaThere’s only so much a person can do.

When you’re juggling a million tasks, there are a million things to worry about:

Your bills…

Your tuition…

Your job…

And when you have this much on your plate, life can feel totally out of control. And when you’re out of control, you’re going to drop the ball from time to time. You’re frustrated that you didn’t follow through or didn’t measure up… and you can’t help but wonder what other people think about it.

Dang, I completely forgot!

Did I totally screw that up?

I don’t think he likes me very much.

anxiety img 2 - Waters Counseling - Therapy for Individuals, Adolescents, Families, and Couples In-Person in Boca Raton and Online throughout FloridaStaying up worrying means starting the day with an empty tank.

There’s so much happening that it becomes hard to pay attention and stay in the moment.

Your appetite falls.

Things that were fun now feel like a chore.

Jittery nerves cause awkwardness.

I feel like crawling out of my skin.

Sometimes things get so bad it feels hard to breathe.

Once my heart was beating so fast I thought it was dying!

The dangers in the world create infinite opportunities for anxiety.

Awareness of life’s frailty, job insecurity, and the possibility of betrayal and abandonment by those you rely on are devastating propositions.

It’s no secret that the intelligent suffer the most. Awareness of everything that can go wrong forces the mind into its hardwired “prey animal” survival mode – flooding the system with stress hormones – sending in the chemicals to run or fight for dear life. Unfortunately, these chemicals accumulate in the body and stick around unless they’re somehow used up.

anxiety img 3 - Waters Counseling - Therapy for Individuals, Adolescents, Families, and Couples In-Person in Boca Raton and Online throughout FloridaDon’t underestimate how damaging this is!

It’s worse than just avoiding situations that cause these feelings – you know… because you don’t want to be embarrassed by having one of those “freak panic attacks” while others are around.

It also has a lot of other negative effects – like increasing your susceptibility to a host of medical conditions. For example, sleep problems, high blood pressure, weight gain or loss, headaches, weakened immunity, gastrointestinal issues… and the list goes on.

Therapy flips the script.

Together, we can turn your emotional response to unknown dangers and turn it into an opportunity for growth. Instead of being overwhelmed by the unlimited scary and dangerous elements in the world, we’ll look at them as challenges to overcome.

Fear thrives in the darkness of the mind with its noise-inducing panic. Like a piggy bank with a few coins making a lot of noise – incredible thoughts can roll around the mind like a marble in a steel drum.

What if I told you that the bark of the fear is louder than the bite of reality? Like a giant shadow, what you’re afraid of is not as big as it seems.

anxiety img 4 - Waters Counseling - Therapy for Individuals, Adolescents, Families, and Couples In-Person in Boca Raton and Online throughout FloridaLet’s face your fears… together.

Let’s not take a victim’s perspective – that elicits a victim’s response, making the suffering way worse. Instead, let’s face these fears on your terms, replacing excessive anxiety with reassuring confidence. Here’s what we’ll do…

Exposure Therapy

Sometimes anxiety about certain issues is so intense that a person will actually avoid thinking or exposure to it. Exposure therapy is a process where we work together and slowly face the fear and talk through it at a comfortable pace. It might involve role-playing scenarios, images that trigger fear, and more. While this is happening, we will discuss self-soothing tactics to prevent anxiety from getting out of hand. Slowly, tolerance to the experience will develop – and eventually, you’ll catch yourself saying, “I can’t believe it – I’m not even afraid of (insert fear here) anymore!”

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

It’s a fancy name, but it basically means that we’ll address your unhealthy thoughts. It works by assessing their validity exposing distorted or faulty thinking in logic. Some examples are…

Black-and-white thinking: Seeing things in absolutes – good or bad.

Catastrophizing: Anticipating the worst possible outcome.

Mind-reading: Believing that you’re interpreting others accurately.

Believing negative thoughts result in negative emotions. If someone were to react to you in a way that was interpreted as “bad,” negative emotions would follow. But what if your interpretation of the event was flawed? Well, most find a feeling of relief and more bearable mood-states!

Ready to get well?

Asking for help is tough, but don’t let that stop you. Be free from the prison created by your mind.

By working together, we can calm your mind and give you back your confidence to manage anything!

Massive change is possible!

Don’t wait. Call today, and let’s schedule your free consultation: (561) 717-3227.